Exercises to Tone Up Your Booty


4 Exercises to Tone Up Your Booty

We all long for a pencil skirt-worthy figure that shows off two shapely buns of steel. No need to starve yourself with a crazy diet or dive into an extreme workout regimen. These simple but powerful exercises will tone up your booty in no time.




1. Squats with a Kick

This exercise is like a regular squat but includes an extra element to really stretch those glutes.


2. Bridge Up and Down

Similar to the gymnastics bridge you did when you were a kid, this exercise works not only the booty but is great for the abs and legs as well.

3. Toe Touches

It seems simple, but the lower booty gets a great workout from this exercise.

4. Power Lunge

This exercise is like a regular lunge but with the extra umph needed to really feel the burn in the bum.


Perform these exercises by themselves or in conjunction with your typical workout routine for that toned booty you’ve been looking for.

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