Genesis Health Clubs Blog

Overcome Seasonal Depression with these 5 Tips
Thursday, February 6 2020 4:12 PM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
Don’t just wait for the weather to warm up to get you out of depression. Genesis Health Clubs is here to help! Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is real and can really bring you down. The definition of SAD is a type of depression that relates to seasons. Most of the time, people are affected in the fall through the winter season. Less often, people are affected by SAD… Read Article
Tips to Feel Your Best This Summer
Monday, February 3 2020 3:16 PM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
Summer is the perfect time to rejuvenate, get in shape, and reinvent your life. Summer’s not over yet, and there is still time to feel your best before the season’s over! Here are our best tips:   Low Sugar, High Protein It’s amazing how great you can feel the second you alter your diet to eat healthier. Choose foods that are low in sugar to avoid afternoon crashes, and replace them … Read Article
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