Genesis Health Clubs Blog

Understanding and Correcting Muscle Imbalances
Friday, July 26 2024 9:51 AM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
What is a Muscle Imbalance? A muscle imbalance occurs when one muscle or group of muscles becomes stronger or more developed than its opposing muscle or muscle group. This can happen due to various reasons such as poor posture, repetitive movements, or favoring one side of the body over the other. Muscle imbalances can lead to discomfort, pain, and an increased risk of injury, affecting overall physical performanc… Read Article
Dynamic Stretching vs. Static Stretching: Which Is Best for Your Fitness Routine?
Thursday, June 27 2024 12:34 PM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
Are you guilty of neglecting your stretches during your fitness routine? Don't overlook this essential aspect of exercise. Stretching plays a crucial role in keeping your muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, enabling you to maintain a full range of motion in your joints. Without proper stretching, muscles can become tight and inflexible, increasing the risk of inj… Read Article
Sleep Smarter: Proven Tips for a Restful Night
Wednesday, May 8 2024 10:04 AM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
We all recognize the crucial role sleep plays in our journey towards our fitness goals. However, finding the right balance between our busy lives and getting a good night's sleep can often be challenging. Nonetheless, incorporating effective sleep strategies can greatly enhance your overall well-being and fitness progress. Here are some tips to help you on your quest for better sleep: Maintain a … Read Article
HIIT vs. Cardio
Wednesday, July 13 2022 11:20 AM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
Unless you’ve been living under a rock you’ve probably heard of High-Intensity Interval Training, or have at least seen how popular it’s become or how it has taken the fitness industry by storm. When it comes to working out for weight loss, generally, people think of steady state cardio at the top of the pound-shredding list, and those people would be right. Cardio is a great way to lose fat, but it's not the o… Read Article
Stay Healthy this Easter! Tips for Avoiding Holiday Over-Indulgence
Thursday, April 14 2022 2:55 PM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
How will you be celebrating the holiday this year?   Along with all the celebration, laughter, and cheer, holidays bring ever-tempting sweet treats and giant portions, big gatherings, and even bigger temptations. If you are trying your best to enjoy a holiday AND remain healthy and authentic to your fitness goals, here are some tips to help you avoid over-indulging.   Ways to Avoid Ho… Read Article
10 Top Health Benefits to Drinking Red Wine
Friday, February 18 2022 1:05 PM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
It's time to grab your corkscrews… Drink Wine Day is February 18th! Although this day comes once a year, we're here to tell you that it's okay to celebrate the day whenever, as there are many health benefits to drinking red wine (in moderation, of course!) Having alcohol in its contents, you wouldn't expect the delicious Pinor Noirs and Cabernets of the world to have many health benefits. But I'm he… Read Article
5 Tips for Keeping your Heart Healthy this Valentine's Day
Sunday, February 13 2022 12:58 PM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
This Valentine's Day, make sure to show yourself some love! And we don't just mean with decadent chocolates and flowers... Although, yes! What we really mean is to show your heart some love. Keep your heart healthy and ticking for many more holidays to come! 5 Ways to Keep Your Heart Healthy This Valentine's Day 1. Pump Up Your Cardio The American Heart Association recommends moderate to intense exercise for at leas… Read Article
Easy Couple's Workout for Valentine's Day
Saturday, February 12 2022 3:54 PM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
What's the saying? Couples who workout together stay together? Paxton Noll, a certified Personal Trainer at our East Central Genesis gym in Wichita, and Gina Cole, Group Fitness Instructor, have demonstrated some dynamic duo workouts just in time for Valentine's Day! These workouts can be done anywhere. So, before you head out with your Valentine for a romantic dinner or whatever activity you have planned, consider breaking … Read Article
Staying Healthy While Dining Out & Sticking to Your Resolution
Wednesday, February 2 2022 11:43 AM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
Most people would agree that with winter comes dining out and overeating. Why? Here are five reasons why we overeat during colder months. To name a few reasons, we're cold, less active, and unmotivated. (If you're having trouble with a lack of motivation, click here for ways to get motivation back.) Along with these reasons to overeat and dine out, there are also m… Read Article
Solutions For Your New Year's Resolutions: #RealisticResolutions
Saturday, January 8 2022 10:37 AM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
It's that time of year again. Everyone is ready to eat healthier and get back into an exercise routine. Sadly, according to researchers at the University of Scranton, 36% of people break their resolutions by January's end, with only 8% achieving their goals. Don't encourage the same outcome for yourself! Change the statistic this year and make 2022 your best year yet.… Read Article
5 Ways to Make Your New Year's Diet and Fitness Resolutions Stick
Monday, December 27 2021 11:02 AM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
It’s that time of the year again—the time when you’re motivated to make a change and stick to it. However, that motivation can quickly wither away as the new year becomes, well, not so new anymore. Diet and fitness changes are among the most common New Year’s resolutions, and it comes as no surprise that it’s one of the busiest times for gyms. Ther… Read Article
Barriers to Weight Loss and Exercise | How to Get Motivated
Thursday, November 4 2021 2:27 PM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
We've all been there. One week you're in the gym five times a week, you're eating right, going to sleep at a decent time, and taking walks just to meditate. The following week, you're tired, you don't wanna, you just don't feel like it - you'd rather watch movies, wear PJs and binge eat an entire tube of cookie dough by yourself. It's normal to get bored of a routine or find an excuse not to continue health… Read Article
10 Gym Bag Essentials | Don't Forget #2!
Wednesday, October 27 2021 10:28 AM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
Have you ever gotten to the gym and suddenly realized that you forget a hair tie? Or even worse, your sports bra or running shoes? You are not alone! Let's talk about gym bag essentials and what you can pack now so you don't forget later.  Pro Tip: Keep essentials in your bag and change out the items that need washing after use. Below are ten of the items we feel we can’t be caught without. Top 10 Gym Bag … Read Article
8 Things to Avoid After Your Workout is Done
Wednesday, August 25 2021 5:23 AM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
Are you NOT achieving your fitness goal? Are you having trouble finding results?  There are so many variables that can keep you from reaching fitness success. Maybe it's a lack of consistency, a poor diet, or perhaps something you're doing after working out... Say what? That's right! Just as important as it is to workout and eat all the right foods, it's also what you do after gym time … Read Article
The Warning Signs of Overtraining
Thursday, July 8 2021 4:49 PM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
Are you a workout junkie? Maybe in the gym more than five times a week or sometimes putting in two workouts a day? For this alone, we applaud you! It’s truly incredible that you take the time and put in the work, day in and day out, to reach your fitness goals. That being said, if you overwork your body and find yourself asking, "am I working out too much?" you might be overtraining, which can halt your… Read Article
How to Get Better Sleep
Wednesday, June 23 2021 11:32 AM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
What keeps you up at night? It’s probably not the monsters in your closet. The amount of sleep needed varies from person to person. One person may be happy with four hours of sleep each night, while another person may easily sleep ten hours. No matter how long you sleep, quality sleep is essential for quality wellness. If you’re not sleeping through the night, your body could be telling you something import… Read Article
Tips for Enjoying Memorial Day and Staying Healthy
Thursday, May 27 2021 11:39 AM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
How will you be celebrating Memorial Day this year? As we celebrate, it’s important to remember what Memorial Day is truly about: remembering those who we have lost and those who have fought for our country. To all those individuals, inside and outside the Genesis gym walls, we thank you for your selfless service. You will not be forgotten. A significant holiday of remembrance and … Read Article
What Is BMI? How to Calculate Body Mass Index
Monday, May 17 2021 10:58 AM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
BMI stands for Body Mass Index Body Mass Index (BMI) is the calculation of body weight in relation to height. It’s used to indicate whether a person is underweight, overweight, obese, or at a healthy weight for his or her height. BMI isn’t as accurate as methods that directly measure body composition, like hydrostatic weighing or Bioimpedance Analysis (BIA). But, it provides a reasonable estimate of body fat for most … Read Article
How Positive Thinking Can Improve Your Health
Wednesday, April 21 2021 11:40 AM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
Accomplishing fitness goals requires hard work and dedication, but one of the most crucial components of living a healthy lifestyle is attitude. Believing you can do something is the first step toward actually doing it. September 13th is National Positive Thinking Day, and although that date is a bit far away, it's never too early to celebrate or recognize the importance of an optimistic ou… Read Article
Reasons Why Parents Enroll Kids in Summer Camp
Monday, March 8 2021 4:25 PM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
It’s almost that time… Summer is fast approaching and soon the kids will be out of school! Do you have a plan to keep your kids active and engaged this Summer? If not, don’t fret! At Genesis Health Clubs, we offer Mighty Camp, which helps maximize the fun in sports and self-development activities designed for children ages 5-12 years. At Mighty Camp kids participate in STEAM ac… Read Article
What is Caloric Afterburn?
Thursday, March 4 2021 1:23 PM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
Everything You Need To Know About Caloric Afterburn You are always burning calories during your workout, but with the “caloric afterburn effect,” your body continues to blast fat and calories long after you’ve left the gym. How does this work, and how can you get it? We’ve got the answers.   The Science of the Afterburn Effect In simple terms, afterburn is additional energy your b… Read Article
Using Massage Therapy to Recover from Your Workout
Wednesday, March 3 2021 10:50 AM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
There are many direct and indirect benefits to massage therapy, and the different levels and types of bodywork can have different goals. Not only does massage therapy feel good, but it also accomplishes profound changes in the body’s soft tissue (muscles, fascia, tendons, etc.), leading to improved range of motion, injury rehabilitation, a more balanced body, decreased pain, and better p… Read Article
Group Fitness Class Raises $1080 Worth of Gift Cards to Donate to Children in Need
Tuesday, January 5 2021 4:57 PM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
Let’s Reflect on Something Good From 2020, Shall We? With 2020 long gone, and 2021 finally and happily upon us, it’s easy to look back and chalk up the year 2020 as a loss… Don’t! Although we can probably all agree that there’s much negativity to remember, don’t forget all the good that came from the 2020 struggle… Ne… Read Article
Should I Join a Gym? Reasons Why You Should!
Friday, December 11 2020 8:26 AM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
7 Reasons to Join a Gym | Genesis Health Clubs Let’s face it: shuffling along on the “deadmill” in your basement and doing the same fitness videos in your living room over and over again just isn’t that fun. Joining a gym would give you access to more equipment and classes, along with a sense of community, but is a Genesis Health Clubs membership right for you? Here are seven reasons everyone shoul… Read Article
Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain
Wednesday, November 25 2020 8:26 AM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
The holiday season is a difficult time for people to continue with their healthy diet and exercise regimen. With the cold weather, cozy indoors, holiday gatherings, and delicious food, weight gain can happen to anyone thanks to a little festivity and a lot of indulgences. Even though it’s hard to resist temptations around you, there are some helpful tips to avoid holiday weight gain. Exercise In Th… Read Article
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