Genesis Health Clubs Blog

Fight or Flight: Overcoming Gym Anxiety
Friday, September 8 2017 8:14 AM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
Increased heart rate, perspiration, and rapid breathing are all physical effects of exercise; however, these are also indicators of fear. Taking charge of your health can be empowering, but what happens when someone’s knee-jerk response to coming to the gym for the first time leaves them weak in the knees with anxiety? Genesis Health Clubs Personal Trainer, Brad Jenson, explains that recognizing a … Read Article
Healthy Restaurants in Omaha
Thursday, September 7 2017 11:52 AM
Categorized In Nutrition
After learning that Omaha ranks in the bottom 25% on an America’s healthiest cities study done by Niche in 2016, we decided to do our part in helping the city of Omaha creep higher on the list. We provide easy gym access, but what about nutrition? As we all go to restaurants (hopefully in moderation!), it’s important to know which ones won’t leave you helplessly craving the wrong meal. Here are… Read Article
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