Genesis Health Clubs Blog

Holiday Enews - 2017
Friday, December 15 2017 3:05 PM
Categorized In Fitness
  Merry Christmas from Genesis Health Clubs! It seems like just yesterday 2016 was coming to a close, and yet here we are, wrapping up 2017 and getting ready for an exciting 2018. This year has been a remarkably eventful one for Genesis. After a huge explosion of growth last year, we’ve remodeled several clubs, completed lengthy construction projects and even acquired a few new ones, including our first clubs … Read Article
8 Tips For Eating Healthy During the Holidays
Monday, November 20 2017 3:19 PM
Categorized In Nutrition
The struggle is real. Eating healthy during the holidays almost requires a well thought out strategy so you don’t go over the deep end. We get it. Luckily, it’s possible to stay on track and enjoy your holidays, with a healthy diet by following a few simple steps during the holiday season. 1. Don’t Skip Meals Resist the urge to “save up” your calories and skip mea… Read Article
How Often Should I Go to the Gym?
Thursday, October 12 2017 8:52 AM
Categorized In Fitness
There’s no magic number of times you should hit the gym every week. How often you go depends on your body, your fitness goals, and your schedule. Still, there are some general guidelines: General fitness: 4 - 5 days per week Weight loss: 5 - 6 days per week Muscle building: 3 - 4 days per week Let’s take a closer look at each. If you want to improve your general fitness and keep in shape... .… Read Article
Fight or Flight: Overcoming Gym Anxiety
Friday, September 8 2017 8:14 AM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
Increased heart rate, perspiration, and rapid breathing are all physical effects of exercise; however, these are also indicators of fear. Taking charge of your health can be empowering, but what happens when someone’s knee-jerk response to coming to the gym for the first time leaves them weak in the knees with anxiety? Genesis Health Clubs Personal Trainer, Brad Jenson, explains that recognizing a … Read Article
Healthy Restaurants in Omaha
Thursday, September 7 2017 11:52 AM
Categorized In Nutrition
After learning that Omaha ranks in the bottom 25% on an America’s healthiest cities study done by Niche in 2016, we decided to do our part in helping the city of Omaha creep higher on the list. We provide easy gym access, but what about nutrition? As we all go to restaurants (hopefully in moderation!), it’s important to know which ones won’t leave you helplessly craving the wrong meal. Here are… Read Article
Five Tips to Practice For Better Posture
Thursday, August 31 2017 3:57 PM
Categorized In Fitness
We often don’t think about how our posture affects our everyday life when it comes to exercise, walking, sitting and balance. Our physical appearance and fitness goals can easily derail with bad posture. To maintain proper body alignment, strength and muscle flexibility is key. Practicing proper posture habits daily in the workplace and at home will help you acknowledge poor posture and correct i… Read Article
The Ultimate Guide to Gym Etiquette
Tuesday, July 11 2017 2:05 PM
Categorized In Fitness
So, you just signed up for a membership at your local gym. What now? Maybe you have never stepped foot in a gym, or maybe it’s just been so long that it all seems like a distant memory. Whatever your exercise situation may be, there are a few rules that everyone should follow when it comes to the shared space at the gym. So, what is proper gym etiquette? While some of these aren’t set-in-stone r… Read Article
Health Benefits of Kombucha
Friday, June 23 2017 4:09 PM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
Known as the “Immortal Health Elixir” by the Chinese, kombucha is a beverage with many health benefits. The fermented drink has been around for centuries but recently became popular in the U.S. because of its reported perks. What is Kombucha? Although you may hear it referred to as mushroom tea, kombucha is not actually made from mushrooms; the bacteria and yeast that grow on top of kombucha result in … Read Article
Nine Signs of Dehydration
Wednesday, June 7 2017 10:51 AM
Categorized In Health & Wellness
Our bodies are made up of 50-75% water, so it makes sense that we need to replenish the water that’s lost. When we fail to do that, whether it’s because of sweating, overexertion, hot weather or just not enough water, we can begin to feel sluggish and weak—or worse. Here are nine signs that your body may be experiencing dehydration. Fatigue When your body is experiencing dehydration, your blood pre… Read Article
How to Train For Your First 5K Race
Thursday, May 25 2017 2:42 PM
Categorized In Fitness
Congratulations for signing up for your first 5K race. It’s common to be nervous; you may be wondering if you’ll be able to finish or if you’ve prepared properly for the big day. Race morning will come fast, so here are some tips on how to train for your first 5K as painlessly as possible. 5K Training Schedule Training for a 5K race should never start too fast, too soon. There needs to b… Read Article
Top Five Ways to Loosen up Your Hamstrings
Friday, April 28 2017 8:16 AM
Categorized In Fitness
Whether you are a weight lifter, runner, yogi, or cyclist, you probably have noticed the importance of keeping your hamstrings flexible. Tight hamstrings are a very common problem that can limit your athletic performance or even lead to an injury. It could also strain your back during day-to-day activities. Tight hamstrings could be the result of many different things but it could be from an old inju… Read Article
What is a Keto Diet?
Wednesday, April 12 2017 9:06 AM
Categorized In Nutrition
A keto diet, also known as a ketogenic diet, is a high fat, low carbohydrate diet that incorporates moderate amounts of protein. You may be thinking, “That’s great, I can eat fatty junk food all day!” But, quite the contrary. A keto diet is rigid, mathematically calculated and doctor-supervised, and requires healthy fats, whole foods and no sugars. It’s much stricter than the modified low-carb Atk… Read Article
Where Does Omaha Rank on the Healthiest Cities in America List?
Wednesday, March 22 2017 3:46 PM
Categorized In Fitness
Your personal decisions, such as diet and exercise, are crucial to living a healthy life. But, some cities make healthy living a lot easier and can have a huge effect on the population’s overall health. So, where does Omaha rank on the healthiest cities in America list?   Healthiest Cities in America Study In 2016, Niche assessed over 200 cities to find the top 25 he… Read Article
What is a Ballet Barre Method Workout?
Wednesday, March 1 2017 8:48 AM
Categorized In Fitness
Discover the results you can achieve from a Barre workout class The Barre workout originally began as a warm-up exercise routine for ballet dancers has been brought to Genesis Health Clubs as group fitness classes. If you are unfamiliar with the Barre method, it is full-body workout that uses a bar or handrail (hence the name: "Barre") for support to hold your body still while contracting specific sets of muscles to increase … Read Article
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